Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Bad banana

I think I’ve developed a banana intolerance.

Yesterday, around mid-morning, I had to go to the bathroom several times. TMI, I know, but it’s true. It’s very unlike little miss regular me. By lunchtime, I had such severe stomach cramping and nausea that I considered going home. I didn’t throw up, but I was sweaty, dizzy, shaky and my heart was pounding. Thankfully, it eventually passed and I felt fine but exhausted (though that may have been from not sleeping at all Sunday night).

I assumed it was eggs. I’ve been having eggs in some form every morning but the better part of the last six months. Soft-boiled, hard-boiled, fried, whites only, egg “muffins” with peppers and turkey sausage—you name it. Eggs fill me up and are easy to make, not to mention tasty. But I know that eating too much of one food can cause sensitivity and even intolerance.

So I decided I would try a week without eggs to see if that helped. I wanted to make sure I got enough protein to start my day, so I made myself a smoothie this morning with skim milk, Greek yogurt, peanut butter and a banana.

All good in the hood. Until an hour later. I’m sitting at my desk and suddenly I’m very aware of my heart racing. Soon a wave of nausea comes over me. My whole body starts cramping up, my stomach obviously the worst but my legs feel dehydrated, too. I run to the bathroom and got sick not one, not twice, but three times. Fortunately I was the only one in there.

Coincidentally, I have my allergy skin prick test tomorrow morning and then an appointment with the allergist. I don’t know if they’ll test for bananas, but I’m certainly going to mention it. For the record, the bananas were ripe, with a few brown spots on the skin (how I like them), but not rotten or green.

At least I can go back to eating eggs. Hopefully.

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