Thursday, June 19, 2008

Early x3

I realized I only work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from now on, and already took next Friday off to start the trek home. So that means I have all day Thursday to... to what? There is nothing to do in Gainesville during the day except rot by the pool. Anyone who knows me knows I am far too anxious for this trip to sit around all day by the pool when I could be well on my way. So that's just what I'm going to do! I'm going to leave next Thursday, June 26th same time (4am) and either spend an extra day/night in North Carolina or give myself an extra day to travel from NC to Massachusetts or just an extra day at home.

I also got splendid news yesterday that Kayla, one of my new roommates for next year, is going to move in two days earlier than planned. She thought she could move in on August 2nd, but the new lease at the apartment she is living in now starts on the 1st, so she has to be out by the 31st. I hope the girl, Michelle, that is living here for the month of July can be out by the 30th, but if not then we are going to have a very busy Thursday. I'm excited because Kayla is awesome and I am looking forward to finally having roommates that I get along with and that pick up after themselves and respect the common areas. It's been the year from hell as far as living styles go this year but I am optimistic that Kayla and our other new roommate, Christina, will be kickass people to live with.

Aaaand as if all that earliness good news wasn't enough, bff Christina is moving back to Gainesville from Baton Rouge a day earlier than planned! She has been there all summer interning for Exxon and she was supposed to come back on August 7th but now she'll be back on the 6th, woohoo!

Now Andrew just needs to come home from Spain early and my life will be complete...
Just kidding. He won't and I don't want him to. Europe is way too awesome and Gainesville is just not cool enough to come back early for. I mean, yes, I'm here and who wouldn't want to have me back in their life earlier than planned? but this is a once in a lifetime experience for him and I'm doing my best not to be jealous and bitter :)

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