Monday, July 28, 2008

UF #1 in Something Other Than Sports?

Today the Princeton Rankings announced that UF was ranked #1 party school in the nation. While we can argue for days about whether that's true or not, I think it is directly related to our football team and high Greek involvement. If you ask every student how many beers they drink a year, you will get a huge number. However, if you subtract the drinks that are consumed on Saturdays in the fall - AKA tailgating - I would bet that number would be drastically reduced. The same probably goes from fraternity/sorority "socials". And it's all self-reported so who knows...

In other UF news, our Underwater Hockey team took 6th in the US Nationals this weekend in Gainesville. Our UF/Minnesota mixed team took 9th (I played one game with them!). And the team that myself and two of the other UF girls played on won first in the women's division! And I scored my first goal!

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