That was my breakfast today at 9 a.m., when the 2 a.m. Percocet finally wore off. I have officially gone and broken my butt. I was on my way out to yoga Saturday morning. I was wearing my yoga pants with a cute Gator top, and decided to put on my brand new blue & white polka dot flip flops from the UF Bookstore. I grabbed my iced coffee that I was still drinking, my purse, and yoga towel and walked down the stairs. Except I missed the last four. Because my hands were full, I had nothing to break my fall. My coffee (thank goodness it was cold) went everywhere except on me, and I immediately rolled over onto my hands and knees because my butt hurt so bad. My dad rushed over and I shooed him away, like when you stub your toe and you have a Tourette's moment and start cussing - I just needed room to breathe. I got up, brushed myself off, and was like, "OK, I'll just walk this off." I ignored the pain, got in my car, and went to yoga.
Bad idea. I mean, I was able to do almost everything except boat pose and a few others. I had to put all my weight on one butt cheek during all the sitting poses, when what I really should have done was go home. I pushed through class, then went to my pre-planned pedicure. I deserved it. My feet were a mess and I have been really stressed and anxious about my upcoming surgery. So I did the same thing there - alternating cheeks. The poor guy doing my nails kept thinking he was hurting me so I finally told him I had fallen down the stairs and it wasn't his fault. I spent the rest of the day in bed, complete with leftover Percocet from my second degree sunburn and wrist tendinitis (are we sensing a trend here?). Sunday I went to mom's to watch the Patriots game. I spent most of the time either standing or laying. I couldn't sit unless I was kneeling down or sitting with one leg under me.
In my X-ray outfit |
Work on Monday was brutal. By lunchtime, there was no longer a comfortable seated position. I stood at my desk, hunched over trying to type. When our entire server, internet, email, website, etc., went down around 3, I decided it was meant to be so I went to the walk-in clinic. I stood the entire time I was there, except during the excruciating X-ray session. When the X-rays were over, the doctor came and got me in the exam room and said, "Come look at this." Oh, great. Sure enough, she pointed to a complete break at the very end of my tailbone, and a crack a few centimeters above it. The crack went all the way through. I was ordered to stay home for the rest of the week (that won't happen), to use Percocet every four to six hours, to use a cushion when I do sit (this cushion cost me $25 and a 10-mile drive to a medical supply store in the ghetto), and to basically take it easy. She said I should be fine in time for surgery, but some coccyx injuries cause pain for months or years. I think I'll be fine, but there's no way to fix it - the bone will heal itself in the broken position over time. Only me...
On a positive note, I have no appetite and the Percocet works better (for me) on an empty stomach anyway, so I'll probably lose a pound or two during all this.
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