Friday, February 8, 2013

Busy Bee

What a week! Last Thursday, my best friend got engaged. I spent the next 48 hours eating and drinking like it was nobody's business. And planning and getting our nails done and doing what girls do. Fortunately, I only skipped one workout so I didn't completely fall off the wagon, but I didn't lose any weight last week either.

This week was much better. I still haven't lost any weight, but I did up my calories again - this time to 1,650 - and I know it takes a few days for your body to adjust. It basically stores them because it thinks you're going to nearly starve yourself again. Once it realizes it's getting 1,650 every day, it will let go of the reserves. Or this is how I understand it.

I saw my dietitian on Tuesday morning. She is pleased with my progress so far. I saw in her notes that my ideal weight is 100 pounds. Ha! I weighed about 105-110 pounds when I was ripped yet skinny in high school, and it would've been unrealistic for me to weigh any less without sacrificing muscle mass. So she's dreaming a little too big (or little) for me. She is a stick with no curves so it's easy for her to use BMI as a guideline when I have been told by all my doctors that BMI is good for general populations but not for individuals, especially ones who tend to be more muscular. Which is not me now, but will be when I reach my goal measurements and weight.

After the dietitian appointment, I went and saw my orthopedic surgeon - the one who performed my knee surgery a million years ago in 2005. He no longer operates (I think I noticed some tremors) but said he would be willing to evaluate my suspected shin splints. When I got there, the first thing they did was X-ray both legs in about 14 different positions and angles. Alas, no stress fractures. Just severe shin splints, so he prescribed three ibuprofen three times a day and physical therapy. I didn't know the dosage of ibuprofen until his medical assistant told me, and I don't know why I didn't speak up, but I will not be taking that much. That's how I ended up with an ulcer in 2011. And it hurt a LOT. So no thanks. However, I start physical therapy Monday evening, and he wants me to go twice a week for four weeks and then reassess. I'm hopeful they won't tell me I have to stop running, because I'm really starting to enjoy it for the first time in my life. I ran Wednesday night before my regularly scheduled session with Jillian Michaels, and it wasn't so bad (minus the cold).

It doesn't look bad yet, but believe me,
running in it a whole other thing!
I ran again this morning, but as soon as I put on my running shoes, the snow began. And it's not going to let up for another 24 hours or so. I'm glad I managed to squeeze in a run, but it was so blinding, cold, and slippery! I have a newfound respect for people who run year-round.

I also signed up for a 5K, but it wasn't until after I paid the $20 that I realized it's the same day I'm taking my mom to the American Cup in Worcester. The race starts at 10 a.m. and the meet starts at 11:30 a.m., 90 minutes away. So I can't run. Which is OK because there will be plenty of other 5K options this spring and summer, but I kinda want my $20 back. I think I'll just have to consider it a donation to the food bank.

My trip to Dallas is officially booked, and I leave two weeks from yesterday. I'll be there for three full days and three nights, and can't wait to meet other Junior Leaguers from around the country. And hopefully I'll have some time to catch up with a good friend from grad school who I haven't seen since we graduated, which is insane to think about!

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