Thursday, July 4, 2013

Not So Fast

After feeling like a million bucks for most of the day yesterday, my eyes reminded me that the trauma they endured on Tuesday was a bigger deal than I was giving them credit for. As I started getting more tired, my eyelids started hurting. It felt like a sinus headache in my eyebrows. I didn't want to, but I broke down and took a Percocet before bed. Fortunately, I slept like a baby again despite a lengthy afternoon nap.

This morning, I slept until almost 9. I woke up, iced my eyes a few times, made breakfast, and finally psyched myself up enough to go to Michaels. I had to get a few last-minute things for the shower. By the time I got home, I needed lunch and a Percocet...and fast.

I finished the last few shower projects high as a kite, including my big gift to Julia. Fortunately, my creativity can endure narcotic-induced silliness. I am getting so dang excited for Saturday - I just hope I feel a lot better than I did today.

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