Monday, July 8, 2013

See Ya, Surgeon!

Today is post-op day 6 and my eyes are feeling great. The bruising and swelling got worse around the 48-hour mark but has been improving since the weekend. I was able to throw Juls what I considered to be amazing bridal shower (huge post to come) that went off without a hitch on Saturday. Hiding behind sunglasses and a hat, no one had any idea how bruised I was except for her and her family.

I saw Dr. C this morning for my last appointment with him ever. As I'm moving to Boston this coming weekend, my insurance will no longer cover him. He was SO pleased with how my eyes look already. They are still very dark purple and swollen, but for the first time in more than two years, my eyelids are no longer retracted. I have been so overwhelmed with relief that I've been crying happy tears since my surgery - I finally look like my old self again.

The stitches are dissolvable and almost gone. The eyelids are almost perfectly even but the surgeon showed me massage techniques to bring the left lid down every so slightly to line up with the right. He gave me his cell phone number so I can text him photos of my eyes as they fully heal, and I am going to stop back in a few weeks to let him take official post-op photos once the swelling and bruising are gone.

I agreed be his poster child for thyroid eye disease treatment and repair. I wrote reviews on Google+, Yelp, HealthGrades, and his website since there seems to be so little out there about orbital decompression and eyelid repair. So much of what he and other oculofacial plastic surgeons do is cosmetic, and both of my surgeries were medically necessary, fully covered by insurance, but unheard of by almost all medical professionals I encountered along the way.

Eventually, I will need a cosmetic procedure to remove all the excess fat that Graves' deposited above between my eyes and eyebrows. And I'm quite sick of contact lenses, so I might consider LASIK down the road. But for now, I'm looking forward to have normal eyes with no more surgeries or appointments any time soon.

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