Friday, November 2, 2012

Bad Non-Thyroid

I have the most unruly, nonexistant thyroid ever. I had labs drawn last week, and my endocrinologist's office called on Tuesday to tell me I need to start a lower dose of Synthroid (synthetic thyroid hormone replacement) because my levels show that I am hypERthyroid again. Wtf?!

Let's review this timeline again:
July 2009 - symptoms begin, Kelly is convinced she has a tapeworm based on eating buttloads of food yet losing weight by the day. She poops in a jar and doctor says she's fine. She enjoys this random weight loss.
February 2010 - Kelly ends up in ER after a resting heart rate of 150+ for more than 24 hours. Diagnosed with Graves' disease, and finds out it's one of the most severe cases her physician has ever seen.
February 2011 - Kelly swallows a radioactive pill that will eventually kill her thyroid.
August 2011 - Pill finally works. Kelly becomes hypOthyroid the same week her eyes bug out of her head.
August 2011-August 2012 - Kelly and her endocrinologists struggle to find the correct dose of Synthroid. First she becomes hypER and endocrinologist continues to lower dose every six weeks. After a three-month hiatus from doctor's appointments and bloodwork, Kelly finds out she is hypO again and needs a higher dose.
August 2012 - For the first time in a long time (3+ years), Kelly has achieved euthyroid - meaning her thyroid levels are normal.
October 2012 - Just kidding.

I literally refilled my $20 prescription two weeks ago. I am supposed to be using my insurance company's mail order pharmacy, but I can't. The minimum order is 90 days, but I haven't been on the same dose for more than two months yet, so my doctor won't write a script for 90 days (which I agree with). However, instead of paying $20 for 90 days' worth through the mail order pharmacy, I have to go to CVS every month and pay $20 for 30 days' worth. I'm basically refusing to rush to CVS and get the new prescription for a lower dose until I run out of the higher dose in two weeks. I can't throw away money like that. It's not like I'm going to die, and I don't feel hypER (trust me, I know my body after three years of this).

I used to hate my thyroid and yell at it all the time. Now I don't have a thyroid to yell at! I killed the mofo and yet its ghost won't leave me alone.


Kriss said...

That sucks about the copay on the medication. I understand... I'm on methimazole and my dose changes every 2 wks. Thank goodness methimazole is cheap.
Sorry to hear you are going hyper again. Hopefully the meds will get it under control so you don't need another round or RAI. - Kriss

Kel said...

Kriss - The RAI worked (two years ago). I have no thyroid tissue left so another round of RAI wouldn't do anything. It's the Synthroid dosing we can't seem to manage. I had labs drawn last week and should know the results soon.