Friday, October 5, 2012


One of the few things I remember while either laying or sitting in the hospital after my surgery, waiting to go home, was being told not to suppress any sneezes or coughs. I tend to hold my sneezes in, so I took this warning seriously. Because my sinuses got all shoved around, holding in a sneeze could seriously mess me up. I distinctly remember being told to "cough and sneeze all over everyone." I've had a persistent cough since the surgery, but I haven't sneezed yet.

Until now. I felt one coming about an hour ago, but as soon as I took off my glasses and grabbed a tissue in preparation, it went away. Then, and I was snuggling with Rags, I felt another one coming. This time, I let it rip and sneezed all over my poor dog. It didn't hurt, but I felt a little pop - like when your eyes pop from the pressure - in my right cheek, where it's totally numb. It was strange, but I am happy to report that I survived my first sneeze in 11 days.

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