Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'll Wash Your Eye Out with Soap

...wait, no. That's not right. Well actually, it is for me. It feels like I got soap in my right eye. It's only felt like this for a few hours, and it doesn't hurt as much as it's just strange and uncomfortable, but it caused me to have a hard time fully relaxing during shavasana (the guided meditation/nap at the end of yoga). And during downward dog, I was trying to look at my left armpit without moving my head (don't ask) and that same eye was killing with the effort. Not sure what's going on there, but I did work six hours today, which is the longest I've worked in almost a month. Crazy, huh? I should be back to regular hours on Monday but I haven't heard back from Dr. C and HR requires a letter from him so we'll see. Not that I mind part-time but my paycheck is going to start taking a hit soon - I'm close to using up all my time off.

Anyway, back to yoga. I bought a pass for one month of unlimited yoga. It made much more sense economically, especially since I really like the Monday and Thursday classes, but I'm going to try and go even more often. I don't know that I'm strong enough for lifting or my Jillian Michaels DVDs yet, and yoga always helps me become stronger without even realizing it, so I'm going to stick with that for now. I'm going to go to some more challenging classes (I've been going to gentle classes for the last two weeks) and work my way back up to my pre-surgery strength and endurance.

Without meaning today, I went vegetarian today. Just for the day. I normally have some sort of meat or fish for lunch or dinner, usually both. Here is what I ate today, for inquiring minds:

I promise I didn't go to McDonald's, but I did go to Semolina Bread Company and have their California Vegetarian Wrap sans tomatoes. It sounded good, so I didn't care that there was no meat. I actually ate half for lunch and half after yoga, if you really want to know. And yes, I did eat a whopping 25% of my soup before I decided it was gross and threw it away. And that's where I had the Orange Hi-C, but hardly anyone sells that anymore, so I found it under McDonald's. And after eating half my wrap, I went to the new fro-yo place in town, and the cookie dough bites were just screaming my name. The cupcake flavored fro-yo, however, was disappointing. It tasted almost sour. I was expecting something like Coldstone's cake batter or sweet cream but it was weird.

I eat a lot of carbs. I love carbs. And sugar isn't on there, but I know I eat too much sugar. I'm really looking forward to meeting with the dietitian. I start my official food diary on Monday. Thank goodness, because the girls decided we're having a cookout on Saturday and the theme is surf 'n turf - scallops and steaks. Then the list of items the girls are bringing for brunch the next morning includes breakfast pizza, a strawberry & cream cheese pastry, muffins, French toast, and my contribution - sunrise mimosas. That will be a day I don't track what I eat!

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