Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Pain in the...Face?

It is with great pleasure that I announce that my face hurts. "But pain sucks," you say. Ah, but when you haven't been able to feel the right side of your face for the last four weeks, any amount of feeling is welcomed, including pain. I mean, it doesn't feel good and it's certainly not comfortable but last night, I started experiencing some intense tingling following by constant pain. Before, it was just shooting pains that lasted mere seconds. The pain has gotten so intense in the past 24 hours that I can't use my Sonicare toothbrush because the vibration is too painful in that particular part of my mouth/gums where I previously had no feeling.

They told me the numbness could last up to six months, so if some small part of face is healing already, that's great. Let's be clear, though: I'm still pissed Dr. C didn't tell me this was a possible side effect. However, I have forgiven him.

By the way, I promise a four-week post-op photo update later.
*Edit: I lied. I started Insanity when I got home and even though it was only the Fit Test, I was not cute afterward. You'll have to settle for a four-week-plus-one-day photo tomorrow.

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