Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oh, the Memories

Last weekend, the girls and I were talking about our high school days - the things we did, the boys we dated, the friends we had, and the memories we made. I can't stand the people in their late 20s who obsess over high school and actually believe those were the best years of their lives. However, my friends and I were blessed to find each other and still maintain various levels of friendships 14 years later. One of the things we kept talking about were pictures. We all took hundreds of pictures on a weekly basis, but this was back before Facebook. I think we all had Shutterfly or Photobucket accounts, but I decided to make a website of all of our photos.

Believe it or not, without a single update since 2006, the site still exists. I present you with one of the first websites I ever created: my photo website. This was ever before websites needed title tags, so it doesn't even have a name. I wonder if I could still access this account?

And another gem, from a March 2004 AOL Instant Messenger chat (screen names changed to protect the innocent):
"Kelly: and you and i will find an awesome pr school and live next door together forever
 sounds like a plan to me

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