I look no different today than I did yesterday, except my bruises are a tiny bit smaller and lighter, and I actually showered, blow-dried, and straightened my hair because I thought I was going to venture out today. Now I don't even think I can do a 10-minute gentle yoga session in my bedroom.
If you've been following along daily, you'll notice my right eyebrow has been gradually becoming more of an eyebrow shape rather than flat like the left one. I have no idea what's going on, other than maybe swelling or the opposite - reduced swelling? My eyebrows have never been the same exact shape, but they're becoming more and more noticeably different.
On a positive note, I've lost somewhere between five and 10 pounds since my surgery. I can't really pin down the exact amount because my bathroom scale varies based on how you distribute your weight. I think I need to invest in a new one that actually works since I no longer belong to a gym where I can weigh myself, and we have no awesome scales at our grocery stores on which you can weigh yourself, your entire grocery purchase, or even your luggage...like Publix has. At first, I attributed to the weight loss (10 pounds in the first week after surgery) to the fact that I couldn't keep anything down, and when I could, my daily intake consisted of two mini muffins for breakfast, some crackers and soup for lunch, and a few bites of whatever was for dinner. Now that I'm eating pretty normal, I can't blame (or credit?) my lack of appetite anymore. I think I am less hungry because I'm burning a lot fewer calories than I normally would, but also because I've had normal thyroid levels for a little more than a month now, and I had been hypothyroid for more than a year before than, and we won't even talk about the two years prior to that where I was all over the place, both on the thyroid scale and the bathroom scale.
I meant to ask Dr. C how much bone and fat they actually removed, in weight, but I forgot. I'm sure the hospital keeps record of that, and since I'll be requesting my surgery notes (for fun/personal research, not for suing anyone), I hope I can find out. Not that I think that makes any difference in how much I weigh, but I just wonder how much crap they had to get rid of to get me back to normal. The fat wasn't that type of fat - it's actually really excess tissue that was caused by my Graves antibodies, but in order to really get back to this, I need to lose a good amount of weight. That'll be a lot easier now that my thyroid levels are normal and now that I'm not ashamed (well, OK, I won't be once the bruises fade) to go out in public without sunglasses. Maybe I will actually join a cheap gym or at least start going to yoga more regularly. I can't wait to get back on my bike. I figure I have at least another month and a half before it's just too cold and/or snowy for my 10+ mile rides, and even then I am considering buying a trainer so I can ride indoors, but that doesn't sound very fun. That's where a gym with a spin class would come in handy. We'll see...
For now, I just need to lay down. I'm sure staring at my computer screen doesn't help with the dizziness. I wonder how I'm going to do it for four hours straight every day next week.
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