Thursday, October 11, 2012

Downward Dog with Decompressed Orbits

Today was another frustrating day at work. Then, when I got home, I had several emails letting me know I sent out a press release with a typo. I was exhausted and had the worst eye pain this morning. I debated calling in, but decided I could manage a few hours. So it doesn't really surprise me that I made a big mistake. Except when I realized I had copied and pasted the information from a co-worker, and he was the one who made the typo. That doesn't excuse my error - I still should have checked and rechecked, but today was not my day. Ugh. I almost feel bad, but then I don't, because I'm doing my best and people make mistakes.

I got a flu shot this evening. It was free from the town but I had to go to the senior center to get it. When I walked in, I was handed a piece of paper with "46" on it. I looked around and saw a bunch of old people sitting on couches and in armchairs. Forty-five of them to be exact. Once my vision cleared, I realized I wasn't the only person younger than 65, but I was definitely the youngest minus the children there with their parents. Whatever. It was for a flu shot. For free. My number was accurate, because about 46 minutes later, I was walking out protected from influenza.

I decided to go to yoga tonight. It was a gentle kripalu (like hatha) class with the owner of the studio. I adore her, and I think I'm close in age to her daughter, so we always have this moment when we see each other. The last time I went was exactly a month ago when I fell down the stairs and broke my tailbone in two places, but didn't realize it, so I went to yoga anyway. Even tonight, my butt hurt so bad when I did boat pose. I think my tailbone benefited from me being in bed for two weeks straight, but now it's time to start getting my strength and endurance back. I worried my eyes would bother me, but I took my glasses off and tried not to think about it, and it worked! I got some tissue dust in my eye so I kept rubbing it for the first few minutes, but eventually it worked itself out and I had a very good 75 minutes of peace, stretching, and relaxation. Afterward, Sheila came over and complimented me on my practice. I surprised myself. I thought I would be rusty about a month without yoga, but it's like riding a bike, but even easier to pick up where you left off. I showed Sheila what is left of my bruises (tiny pink lines) and answered her questions about thyroid eye disease and my surgery. She knew about my Graves, but we had never talked about my eyes before. It's funny, anyone who knows about Graves or TED, or is in the health care profession, would take one look at me and know I had Graves. Everyone else who didn't know me before TED would just think I had big eyes. So who knows what Sheila knew or thought, but she seemed happy to see me and I was so happy to be back in the studio.

Tomorrow I can start wearing my contacts again, but I don't really want to fight with my eyes in the morning before work, so I probably won't try until after work or even over the weekend. It's been a long time since my eyes weren't irritated by the TED, and I don't want to get discouraged in case they are still irritated from the surgery. My corneas themselves don't hurt, but I also have barely touched my eyes except to do the massaging of my lower lids and to put ice on them, so who knows how they'll react to foreign objects. Juls is looking into Lasik later this month, and it's something I'd like to have a consultation on eventually, too.

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